Monday, March 9, 2009

Our physical environment can support us in this evolutionary shift

I firmly believe that our physical environment can support all of us while we are experiencing this major evolutionary shift that is taking place right now.  We can look at what is going on in our personal and collective world with dread and resistance or we can welcome this time of uncertainty for the possibilities that can open up in our lives.  When I get into that energy of fear, I have to become very still and quiet.  My home supports that.  I'm not at all finished with what still needs repair and replacing but I do have my special areas.  My living room is filled with art that quiets me .  I'm an urban dweller and there are buildings about 10' away from me on either side, and I have no way of hiding them unless I shut out the daylight with window coverings which is  not an option for me.   I knew that what was most important to me was to splurge on creating a sanctuary in my back yard.  The bamboo now hides all of the really really and I do mean really ugly buildings and phone wires and I am able to focus on the stream that I had built and watch these adorable little birds come by to bathe, drink and sit on the rocks. The interiors satisfy my designer self, this outdoor space was designed to nourish and feed my soul.  Some of my friends have asked why I spent so much money on landscaping instead of air conditioning.  (I own a large 1926 duplex and wasn't in the position to do both after a major re-model of the upstairs unit and transformation of spaces in my unit).  When it gets unbearable for those few summer months, I just soak in a cool bath as often as I need to and I have this incredible paradise all year long.  I know I made the right decision.   


Conscious Designing introduction

I had long ago been shown that death as I had known it did not exist.  So when my big brother, who was also my best friend and business partner, was dying it was relatively easy to let him go because I knew that his pain would be over once he left the physical realm.  What I was totally unprepared for was the loss of my business partner.  He was the one who saw what a room would look like like in an instant flash of mental pictures, he could guess correctly what a project would probably cost.  I was the one who could design furniture and answer most of the architectural questions.  I didn't have visions and I had no memory for numbers.  I was terrified, to say the least.  Begging source for help and guidance, I was informed that this was to be my "rite of passage".  Like the tribesmen who did their walkabouts to come into manhood, I would have to venture into the most difficult test of my life and that there was no other choice but to "rise victorious".

So with no vision and no confidence I'd go into the showrooms and start going thru fabrics, pulling out whatever just felt right.  I would yell at my brother that selecting wallpaper was his job and how dare he die and make me do this, I hated wallpaper.  After being raised in a home that had been "decorated" with sometimes 2 different patterns in one room, it was no easy thing for a minimalist like me.  I couldn't find any spiritual justification for interior design, it seemed superficial in the scheme of all things that I considered spiritual.  Then a funny thing happened.  I received phone calls from the first two clients that I had worked with on my own.
Both said that they didn't know know what it was about the rooms I had done, but they never wanted to leave them and that they would just sit there.  They would walk by the room(s) and just stick around for a while.  That was the moment that I realized that I was not alone.  Spirit was guiding me, working thru me to bring in an energy and vibration that each client needed.  This was the moment that I knew what my work here was and that my gift was to be shared with the people who would be coming into my life.  That was when I accepted the importance of what conscious interior design can bring to another human beings life.  That was in 1984 and I've been working with these masters of design who are in the non-physical ever since and I'm guessing that my brother is sending me his input as well.

In my other blog: I address all things that I find beautiful and interesting.  I want to approach this blog site from the point of view of my spiritual self to those of us that are or are wanting to be into conscious creating in one form or another.  Whether you care about design or not, whether you even notice your surroundings, I know in my heart that our environment has a tremendous effect on how we feel.  I'd really like to get some feedback from you as to areas you might like me to address.  Source has guided me to do this blog and I am very open to the possibilities of where it can go.  Maybe we can start a dialogue about ways that we can help our fellow travelers in this dance of life.