Friday, May 15, 2009


Is your home merely a place to sleep and eat?  A home is more than a place of shelter, storage and eating.  It should be a place that supports our needs & nurtures our spirit.  Home should be your shelter from the outside world, it should be a place for sanctuary and retreat, fun and joy. Your home should function in harmony with who you are.

For those of us who are seekers of a deeper truth to who we are, our homes and offices should be a support system to our deepening awakening , awareness & sensitivity.  What may have worked for us even a few years ago may not support who we are today.  We are all waking to the truth of who we are.  We are being taught to go deeply within to hear, see and feel what is real and true for each and every one of us.  Although we are all one in the deepest sense, no one is the same and no one has the same needs, dreams and desires. 

 Because each one of us is unique, there is not one approach or solution that works for everyone.  I am  not a follower of RULES.  I do not follow or practice Fung Shui because it does not resonate for me, thou it may for you.  One size fits all is not my path.  I am here to honor the individual and to find out what works best for them.  I dig deeply, I question a lot and I come up with possibilities.  I return to the drawing board if it doesn't feel right to my clients.
I will fight, for only so long, for what I believe is right but at the end of the day, the truth is that it is not my home and it is my clients who have to be happy.

My clients are drawn to me because of my style and creativity.  They like that I custom  design furniture that is just for them and no one else.  They know that I love playing with color, but most of all they know that I will listen to what is most important to them and honor them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tapping into Inspiration or Not!

I'm preparing for a new series that I will be writing for Jennifer McLean's upcoming membership website. My section will be "Your Spiritual Home".  I'm excited and nervous.  Hoping that Spirit will guide me with enough inspiration to keep up with a weekly column.

When I first agreed to do this I was off the wall with excitement, knowing that this was the next step in going public in merging my spiritual self with my designer self.  The next 3 days were filled with panic, fear and exhaustion worrying that I would not have enough inspiration to write every week about an area that I feel is very sacred and important.  Writing about the next pretty chair or accessory?  EASY!  Writing about stuff of the heart and soul and how it relates to your home environment......  OH MY GOD!  

I'm very curious how any of you have dealt with this. 

Friday, May 1, 2009


I just finished listening to Neale Donald Walsch of the "Conversations with God" book series.  In his forthcoming book, "When Everything Changes, Change Everything" he talks about peoples tendencies to isolate themselves when  they are going thru rough patches.  He spoke of  the time that rather than calling his father for help, he stayed homeless for close to one year.

Those comments got me thinking about the small things we can do for ourselves and others who may be facing uncertainty and fears during this big shift on our planet.  Even if you are not living in your dream home, even if your home is less than ideal and even if you are going thru your own scary times, you can cut some fresh  flowers, light some scented candles, put on some heartfelt music and share a cup of coffee or tea with a friend.  Shift the energy by talking about your dreams and your future self.  Neale suggests that you stop everything for even 10 seconds and breathe in the moment and be with the silence.  He says that you will find "wisdom in the silence".

I promise you, your friend will not care about the worn out carpet, the mess or whatever it is that keeps you from sharing your home.  What will matter and remain is the kindness that you showed and that, if only for a few moments, your friend was supported by love.